Friday, 24 October 2014

Selfie berjemaah : The winner is?

“Friends have ways of speaking without words.”

Sejak dah masuk semester last ni, rasa sayu semacam bila tengok kelibat diorang. Nak kata dah start touching belum jugak lagi. Nak kata dah start emotional tangkap leleh pun tak jugak lagi. Cuma entahlah, bila akan datang satu saat dan ketika bilamana kita akan sedar bahawa selepas ini hala dan tujuan yang kita akan lalui hanya berseorangan, dah takda dah yang nak tolong kalau tersepit. 

 Dah tak ada yang nak pujuk peluk tenangkan kita bila kita gelisah. I would say, bila dah jauh nanti we’ll grow apart. Mudah mudahan la tidak begitu. Gila. 4 tahun kot duk tatap wajah sorang sorang. *nangis bucu katil

“In each of my friends there is something that only some other friend can fully bring out. By myself I am not large enough to call the whole woman into activity, I want other lights than my own to show all her facets... Hence true Friendship is the least jealous of loves. Two friends delight to be joined by a third, and three by a fourth, if only the newcomer is qualified to become a real friend."

For in this friendship -  "to divide is not to take away.”

“From the moment I decide you are a friend, it does not matter how long I have known you, because I make a commitment right then and there... To be there for you when you need me. That is the way I live my life, and that fact will never change.”

''I may not always be with you
But when we're far apart

Remember you will be with me''


Selfie paling diiktiraf ? lol

menghitung hari semester 7

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

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