Saturday, 25 October 2014

Mak Ngah Pak Ngah TMD3 : Kenangan nanti tua tua ;p

Assalamualaikum. It was a midnight on 25 October 2014 and I can't sleep yet. My mind was blank. I'm trying to find something that can be done to fulfill out my messy minds. They say when you're missing someone they are  probably feeling the same, but I don't think it is possible for you to miss me as much as I'm missing you right now.  

I should find another reason to forget everything as usual hmm and this place bring me calm everytime I am starting my writing. I don't know how to write well but I know I should describe my feeling sincerely. When I hate, when I miss, when I' m in love, I couldn't express my feeling better than this.

Last week, my classmates are planning to do a photography session since this semester gonna be our last semester in Usim. Well, couldn't say more. These people always bring me with so much laughter. doing all sort of things together. This is how I could survived. Forgetting. Pretending not to care. 4 years. It's not a short time y'naw. Being with them is one of the best things happen in my life.  

Here is some photos taken on that day. 15 October 2014. 

Kalau ikutkan semangat memasing tu, hari hari pun boleh kalau bab ajak bergambar.  takpa korang, nanti nanti kita dah tua, yang nilah kita duk belek belek hmm sayunya

My girlfriends is everything to me. At least for now. They celebrate with me, working on together, they hold me whenever I need to be held, they laugh with me. They like to tease each other, always.

That man below is Haikal Wahi. Kenal dari Tamhidi tapi rasanya tak secubit pun pernah tegur. Dah masuk degree baru boleh hai hekal apa cite harini tapi semua orang macam baru start geng betul betul masa Third year kot.  Lepas tu baru tahu betapa gengster nya masing masing Ha Ha Si Haikal  nilah yang  banyak  tolong kami Makngah Kakngah Adikngah semua ni. Yang 3 lain pun sama je sebenarnya tapi tengoklah tu :D

Tiada dalam gambar. Anuar Hafiz, Kak Salbiah & Mienah. 

I keep on reminding myself. Stop counting on how many days left but instead cherish every single day to be spend with them. Yelah, buat apa kita fikir hal yang memang akan terjadi. Awal sangat ni nak sedih sedih lol * bukak balik post ni tahun depan tengok sedih ke tak sedih

Terima kasih untuk segalanya nya ya korang semua. Untuk jawapan tutor untuk backup kalau lambat sampai kelas untuk cop tempat dalam kuliah untuk peringatan peringatan yang selama ni kita dapat untuk nasihat untuk gelak ketawa yang korang bagi untuk atas semua kerjasama. Takpalah. Nanti yang untuk untuk lain kita  karang lain hari hihi

Anuar-Haikal-Paih-Faruq. Amylin-Hakimah-

Arni-Adawiyah-Ainur-Azimatul-Fayyad-Hasina-Asmahida-Dalilah-Syairah- Latifah-Nadia-Hussna-Alfiza-Filzah-Ekin-Salbiah-Minah

Time was flies. Semoga setiap langkah kaki kita, kita niatkan untuk dia. Datang dan pergi seseorang dalam hidup kita, ia adalah sebahagian perancangan DIA Yang Maha Bijaksana. Semoga berjumpa lagi Insya Allah. 

Till then, Wassalam <3

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Selfie berjemaah : The winner is?

“Friends have ways of speaking without words.”

Sejak dah masuk semester last ni, rasa sayu semacam bila tengok kelibat diorang. Nak kata dah start touching belum jugak lagi. Nak kata dah start emotional tangkap leleh pun tak jugak lagi. Cuma entahlah, bila akan datang satu saat dan ketika bilamana kita akan sedar bahawa selepas ini hala dan tujuan yang kita akan lalui hanya berseorangan, dah takda dah yang nak tolong kalau tersepit. 

 Dah tak ada yang nak pujuk peluk tenangkan kita bila kita gelisah. I would say, bila dah jauh nanti we’ll grow apart. Mudah mudahan la tidak begitu. Gila. 4 tahun kot duk tatap wajah sorang sorang. *nangis bucu katil

“In each of my friends there is something that only some other friend can fully bring out. By myself I am not large enough to call the whole woman into activity, I want other lights than my own to show all her facets... Hence true Friendship is the least jealous of loves. Two friends delight to be joined by a third, and three by a fourth, if only the newcomer is qualified to become a real friend."

For in this friendship -  "to divide is not to take away.”

“From the moment I decide you are a friend, it does not matter how long I have known you, because I make a commitment right then and there... To be there for you when you need me. That is the way I live my life, and that fact will never change.”

''I may not always be with you
But when we're far apart

Remember you will be with me''


Selfie paling diiktiraf ? lol

menghitung hari semester 7

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Ziarah Aidilfitri


’’We plan our lives according to a dream that came to us in our childhood, and we find that life alters our plans. And yet, at the end, from a rare height, we also see that our dream was our fate. It's just that providence had other ideas as to how we would get there. Destiny plans a different route, or turns the dream around, as if it was a riddle, and fulfils the dream in ways we couldn't have expected.”

Alhamdulilah, raya aidilfitri yang lepas group 6a1 telah berpeluang untuk get together dan beraya bersama. walaupun cuma dapat luangkan masa hanya sekejap dan itupun bukan semua dari kami yang datang, namun Alhamdulillah perasaan dapat short catch up dengan mereka cukup membahagiakan. Lepas reunion yang first setelah lapan tahun hari tu, masing masing dah tak bawa diri jauh sesama sendiri.

Gilalah. Aidilfitri dah berapa bulan berlalu baru nak sembang dekat sini? Ampun.

Bukan nak cakap apa, yelah childhood bestfriends kot. Nak cakap awkward taklah awkward, nak cakap tak awkward, rasa la jugak ha ha tapi masing masing faham keadaan dan try to fill up the situation dengan macam macam topic. Tak lama dah masing masing ni, kelepak kelepuk kelepak ;p

Childhood is the most valuable thing that's taken away from you in life, if you think about it.” Dulu benda yang cikgu ju selalu pesan-cerita, nanti awak dah besar panjang, walaupun satu kampung tetap takkan bertegur sapa. Betullah apa yang cikgu pernah cakap dulu. *lap ayaq mata

Hai kalian, This was me before I knew about anything hard. This was me before I turn into someone different. I love the old me. I love everything about me in the past. You must know that there is nothing higher and stronger and more wholesome and good for life in the future than some good memory, especially a memory of childhood, of home. People talk to you a great deal about your education, but some good, sacred memory, preserved from childhood, is perhaps the best education.”

Hari yang sama jugak, my debate team kak ana was getting married. Hmm bertambah tambah la kegembiraan di hari tersebut. Tapi memang tak sangka la kak ana nak kawin dah masa tu. Hi hi apa apa pun tahniah kak ana. Nampak tak muka happy. Eh siapa yang lagi happy ni sebenarnya. Alhamdulillah. Suka sangat tengok kawan kawan yang sama sama ngan kita dulu dah melangkah ke tangga kedua. Semoga bahagia hingga syurga kak ana muuahh xoxo

I miss my childhood memories. Wassalam. 

                                                                             Aidilfitri 2014 

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.