Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Black Pearl - EXO #Lyrics

She’s my black pearl
She’s my Black pearl

I don’t need a map my heart points me to you
Even if the road ahead is rough I can’t do this where I stand
There wasn’t a moment we were apart or when I forgot about you
If only I can see you at the end of the horizon

I raise the masts and I’m carried by the wind oh
Put the water’s roughening surface to sleep

Flower that bloomed in the dark, the moon above the sea
A place like a secret, my beautiful black pearl
Flower that bloomed in the dark, the moon above the sea
A place like a secret, my beautiful black pearl

Question of existence, apart from reality
Am I wandering in a dream and what’s beyond it

My goddess, oh, who looks as though she lives inside a myth
I fight past the time to find you
I’ve never believed in things that are forever
If I may reach you whom I’ve been wanting so desperately

I raise the masts and I’m carried by the wind oh
Put the water’s roughening surface to sleep

Flower that bloomed in the dark, the moon above the sea
A place like a secret, my beautiful black pearl
Flower that bloomed in the dark, the moon above the sea
A place like a secret, my beautiful black pearl

Even at the dizzying moment as the storm rages
Don’t turn the boat around, don’t stop sailing
If I knew I’d go back cowering at this level of peril I wouldn’t have started in the first place
I face the sea that stole you away to play

Put the water’s roughening surface to sleep x3
She’s my black pearl oh- She is my black pearl
I’m the five oceans that are in the sky with the sun
Towards her shining brilliantly

My beautiful black pearl that reflects dimly above the high tides in the thick mist
(ho- oh- my beautiful black pearl yeah)

My beautiful black pearl that can be faintly heard above the melancholy tune in the deep silence
(ho- hey she’s my beautiful beautiful black pearl

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Random Post. #1

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

There is no need for another word. I’m filling up my times with another thing to be fulfilled.

You will gain whatever you need by experience. Strength? Confident? Courage?

It’s all about what you have learned and faced every day. We are able to say to ourselves that hey ya ! I lived through this horrible experience and I make it. And to be able to gain that experience, we need to have the courage to ask questions, to express what we really want. 

Cheer up and build yourself with experience okay.

If you can’t find a key, build an another door,

"Bangun pagi nak pergi kerja

Suara tak  ada"


currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Thursday, 29 January 2015



Today is another day. For me to challenge myself,

Hai. Lambai tangan.

Dah lama tak buat episode luahan hati. Kan?

Shall we proceed with one? *fikir tajuk

Alhamdulillah. Sejak dah balik menetap di Terengganu hati agak bahagia sebab dah lama tak rasa duduk lama macam ni dekat negeri sendiri. I love the smell, I love the air, I love everything about my state. Yang paling best sebab rasa mak ayah adik adik sedara mara dekat di hati walaupun jauh jugak di mata.


Dulu masa kecik kecik tak faham sangat. Selalu berebut itu ini lepas tu merajuk kalau tak dapat. Bukan tak boleh nak fikir. Itu bukan hak kita. Sekarang dah boleh reflect sebab banyak benda kita boleh relate bila dah jadi depan mata.

Ada kawan yang doploh pat jam layan kpop hari hari duk mai sembang oppa itu oppa ini , semua drama daripada yang tak best kepada yang best pastu siap update latest drama semua  dia tahu tapi eh Final Exam boleh skor dengan gempak.

Ada orang yang dia rasa dia tak perform better pun kebetulan masa exam tengah sakit Allah nak bagi dugaan dah selama ini sihat jarang nak bersyukur tapi eh result exam pun dapat skor dengan cemerlang gemilang terbilang gitu.

Dan pernah je jumpa orang yang kalau kita tengok dia, Ya Allah kesiannya sebab makan pakai pun cukup cukup padan je dengan apa yang dia ada. Tapi Subhanallah Allah bagi rezeki untuk dia boleh terus go on walau dalam keadaan tersepit macam tu.

Dan selalu je kita claim diri kita lebih baik dari orang, eh orang tu takda la bagus sangat pun tapi dalam apa apa exam ke pointer ke dia lagi gempak dari kita. Pernah jumpa?

Dan bagi aku pun, bukannya takda rasa cemburu bila bukak instagram tengok kengkawan duk upload gambar main salji lah, upload gambar bunga sakura lah. Aku pun cemburu. Aku pun nak pergi overseas gak. Aku pernah hampir putus asa, kadang kadang kita tak sangka. Apa yang kita nak tak semuanya kita dapat.


Kita kena pegang dan yakin yang selagi mana kita berusaha, ada doa, Allah tu baik. Baik sangat. Tiada yang mustahil. Yang penting kita buat bahagian kita, USAHA. Dan dari situlah kita belajar, ada orang dia lebih pada keluarga. Mak ayah baik baik, keluarga bahagia. Alhamdulillah. Ada orang dia senang dalam belajar, mudah faham. Ada orang cepat diberikan jodoh. Baik baik lagi tu. Alhamdulillah. Mana yang Usaha, Allah akan beri.

Allah nak suruh apa?

Allah nak suruh kita usaha. Memang susah. It takes pain. Struggle. Allah nak kita rasa betapa manisnya sebuah bahagia atau kejayaan tu bilamana kita penat penat usaha lepas tu kita dapat.

Kita merancang, Allah tentukan.

I’ve been experienced so many things.

Dulu cita cita nak jadi lawyer. Memang minat sungguh. Sampai praktis diri untuk suka debate dan Alhamdulillah memang jatuh cinta. Mak ayah family pun tahu macam mana aku. Tapi lepas SPM Allah bagi rezeki lain. Asasi perakaunan which I really hate it. Ha ha

Pastu lepas habis asasi boleh sambung degree Alhamdulillah I fell in love with Corporate Administration. Bukan calang calang kursus. Dan sungguh sungguh Allah pujuk hati dan terbitkan rasa cinta pada bidang yang aku pilih. Memang dari zaman asasi dah set target No accounting, No marketing. Mata dah padu pada corporate admin. Bila dah lama belajar, memang kena dengan jiwa.


Itulah kata rezeki. Allah nak bukak rezeki kita dari pelbagai jalan dan pintu. Memang kita tak nampak. Sebab dia unexpected. Kan cantik tu. Memang kadang kadang kita merungut, itu tak kena ini tak kena. Ada yang baru nampak hikmah lepas sepuluh tahun benda tu terjadi. 

Semua ada bahagian masing masing. Ada takdir kita yang indah, esok esok Allah bagi kita rasa seronoknya ada air mata. Ada waktu kita rasa berdukacita, mana tahu esok esok allah beri kita bahagia.
Allah kan Ar-Razak, Yang Maha Pemberi Rezeki.

Allah is fair.

“Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Sesungguhnya Tuhanku memewahkan rezeki bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya di antara hamba-hambaNya, dan Ia juga yang menyempitkan baginya; dan apa sahaja yang kamu dermakan maka Allah akan menggantikannya; dan Dia lah jua sebaik-baik Pemberi rezeki".

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Monday, 26 January 2015

First Day.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Hai, today is my first day of internship. Hmm

So how ? hee.. krik krik krik

Was it bad?

Nope. It was so interesting. Seriously.

Been introduced to many peoples. My senior staff. I wish i can be closer to them in 20 weeks. Oh ya, I like my director. Dr Adam. He’s from UK, Deputy Director is from Indonesia. Say hai to speaking everyday. *its a challenge and I like it.

next time Insya Allah I will let you hear another story. Do pray for my internship period k.

Till then, wassalam.

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.