Sunday, 28 August 2016

I'm back

Alhamdulillah. I’m back.

Last update Nov 2015. Masya Allah . lamanyaaa .. dah banyak sangat benda jadi . good things. Sad things. Aih, how I miss the moments bila aku boleh refresh balik semua memori bila aku tulis sini
Bukan sibuk sangat pun tapi some upset feeling eh , hmm ye kot

Upset sampai malas nak jenguk sini padahal who’s care yana oih. Hihi so where to start ey?
Should I start with what I am doing right  now?

Macam biasa rutin harian. Jika korang follow aku di facebook atau di instagram then you will know my routine. Hmm full time housewife jeee. Tapi house je boleh ambik. Wife belum lagi sebab takda orang nak :p

Nak story ape eh. Serius rindu nak menulis yuhuuuu

Wife ? ala gurau pon tak bolehh. Belum ready lah. Takyah tanyaa. Dah ready nanti ajak je sape sape kawin Haha

Dulu waktu sekolah nak kawin umur 28. Gila betol dah fikir pasal kawin masa sekolah. :D Waktu duk uni rasa nak kawin muda. Pastu dah abis belajar memang rasa kena focus karier jangan gatal nak fikir kawin lagi.

Aku tak risau pun pasal ni tapi why everyone else around me macam kalut sangat eh suruh aku kawin. Ke sebab aku dah jadi mak jamu sekarang lol

Mak dah tahu
The sisters dah tahu

Perangai aku macam mana

Kalau aku kata taknak . memang aku taknak. Mcm mana aku nak go for it kalau aku belum sedia. Korang kata nanti pandai sendiri, yes true tapi diri aku .. I know myself well than you.
(tak marah la, ) :p

At least, dulu aku tak tahu hala tuju hidup aku. Now I have my own path. Rasa legaa dan happy sangat sekarang. Sebab aku terlalu enjoy dengan apa yang aku buat. Best best best. My job is the happiest things to do in my whole life.

Aku seronok bantu orang
Aku seronok share kebaikan dengan mereka
Aku seronok berkongsi cara unt jadi hebat
Aku seronok bantu org untuk berjaya capai cita cita mereka

Walaupun aku the anak dara dalam team. Haha itu yang suruh kawin cepat cepat tu eyyh. Haih dorang ni.

Btw, rinduuu.

Kesian blog ni. Tuan dia tak nak masuk sini. Tuan dia merajuk tapi tuan dia merajuk sorang sorang takda orang ambik tahu pun :p

Sebenarnya, aku banyak kali fikir

Should I tell
Or should I not

(sambung fikir)

Bye .

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Thursday, 5 November 2015


Pour a light in the sky
A kid standing under that sky
Fly as a dream
My Life is a Beauty

The story that sounds familiar
The Ugly Duckling and Swan
And before flying butterfly
People do not know
They don’t see your wings
The world that you met
It might be cruel

But strong girl
You know you were born to fly
The tears that you shed
Every pain that you felt
To prepare for the day when you flying higher, Butterfly
Everybody’s gonna see it soon

Pour a light in the sky
A kid standing under that sky
Fly as a dream
My Life is a Beauty

Drawn again forgotten my dream and mind
Collect difficult times and swallow it
The small memory, one by one wakes me up
Act out my dreams full enough to fill the world

Through the long night
I’m gonna trip again
Why not
The word wakes me up in this world

Yesterday that I was alone
From the countless eyes
Endured the day again with tears
Yesterday was risky
From the many spilled words
Comfort me by myself

Pour a light in the sky
A kid standing under that sky
Fly as a dream
My Life is a Beauty

The petals are wane
I had a hard time
Along the little light
Send fuzzy memories away
And fly in splendor

Pour a light in the sky
Fresh Eyes
Fresh Eyes
Fly far away
Fly High Fly High
My own beauty

At the moment that I closed my eyes
Time goes stopped

And I come up again

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Perjalanan baru

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Ibarat angin yang meniup lembut, kadang ia datang memberi damai. Kadang ia datang menyapu segenap kerunsingan. Begitulah nikmat Allah. Namun seringkali hidup tetap dibadai musibah. Wajarnya sebagai hamba Allah. Letakkan rasa syukur mengatasi segalanya.


Begitulah sedikit mukaddimah untuk catitan hari ini. Pengakhiran yang penuh dengan serba serbi hikmah dari DIA Yang Punya Kuasa. Cantiknya DIA mengatur setiap segi kehidupan. Kadang DIA berikan kita rasa bahagia. Untuk menguji rasa syukur kita. Dan kadang DIA juga hadirkan rasa duka. Juga untuk menguji dimana letak syukur dihati kita. 

Hari ini 4 jun 2015 akan diadakan majlis perpisahan. Di bumi INTEC ini. Tanah sekebun bunga. Tempat aku mula belajar sepenuhnya akan keadaan dan suasana kerja sebenar. Dulu pernah berjanji, untuk mencoret secebis dua kenangan disini. Dan aku rasa inilah masanya. Walau bukan sepenuhnya namun biarlah laman ini jadi saksi.

Tanah ini, bumi ini mengajar aku banyak hal. Tentang kehidupan. Tentang perikemanusiaan. Tentang kasih sayang. Tentang professional. Dan tentang hubungan sesama Allah dan manusia. Banyaknya aku belajar. Terima kasih semua kakak kakak dan staff yang lain lainnya kerana banyak melayani aku sebaiknya. Hari pertama di sini. Aku sejujurnya berdebar. Hamper tidak lena tidur malamku. Memikirkan kemungkinan kemungkinan yang bakal terjadi. Sejujurnya aku cemas. 

Hari pertama. Insan pertama yang menyapa adalah kak Azlina. Aku ingat lagi. Betapa awalnya aku tiba. Dengan ditemani abangku. Dia juga masuk menemani sehingga ke dalam pejabat INTEC. Berpusing pusing juga kami mencari Blok B. hanya dengan berbekalkan jawapan pendek dari Kak Na kelmarinnya. Kami redah saja selepas mendapat peta dari abangku yang lain dan dia juga bekerja di sini. 

Ingat lagi hari itu. Abang ku berborak panjang dengan En Taufik. Sementara menunggu Dr Adam datang. He was a director at INTEC. Serba sedikit di kesempatan hari ini, mungkin ada lagi entry lain di masa akan datang. Kerana aku mengejar masa. Mengejar masa dan kesempatan yang ada. Suoaya bait yang ku coret hari ini tidak akan kulupakan sepanjang hayatku. 

Subhanallah. Aku masih lagi dirundum kesedihan. Untuk lari dari kebiasaan selama 20 minggu ini. Untuk beralih ke fasa yang lain pula. Untuk perubahan baru dalam diari hidupku.

Aku hamba Allah yang berjalan di atas muka bumi ini tanpa henti. Dan aku akan terus berjalan selagi nyawa masih belum dicabut. Doakan aku untuk perjalanan yang seterusnya. Terima kasih untuk semua.
Untuk INTEC.


Untuk kakna, istimewanya. 


currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Promise By EXO

This is a story of things that happened in 2014. This is a story of how EXO-L stand together in order to support them no matter what happen. Truthfully, I cried whenever listen to this song. Just unfortunately the record version is still not in the latest album yet.

I know that it is difficult to keep believing in me since the promise was broken once.

That is one of the lines that make me sad. 

Although time passes, there is a word I cannot express
Sinking down in my heart.
‘I’m sorry’ ‘I love you’
asking you to believe in me like this time

Only EXO-L knew the true feeling. The hardest parts in letting one by one go. And glad fully because the whole song is creating by them. Thank you kids, Thank you Chinggu. 

I will never forget.
I will make you happy
like the ‘we are one’ word I’ve told you.
Although it might be hard and tiring,

From 12 members and now left with 10. I am a proud EXO-L.

You who always wait for me
Go straight on, thankful ‘you’


Sometimes, I close my eyes and fall into the thought of you
You habitually imagine of that familiar image of me
Despite my clumsiness, you still like me no matter what
But do I deserve to be loved by you?

You who has always been waiting for me
You who embrace me with your arms
I won’t forget
I will make you happy
Like the ‘we are one’ word I’ve told you.

Although time passes, there is a word I cannot express,
Sinking down in my heart.
‘I’m sorry’ ‘I love you’
asking you to believe in me like this time
I will hug you and hold your hands
If I am able to express my heart,
I will devote myself to you.

I want to protect you
Things will be better or it will be forgotten as time passes’
Since those consoling words might not be able to conform you, I feel uneasy again.
Don’t go. I wanna hold you back.
I know that it is difficult to keep believing in me since the promise was broken once.
However, I wanna stay with you forever, living and sharing breath.
I wish we were happy like that in the beginning.
Thank you, I’m so sorry, love you.
Even if I have given my all to you, it’s not gonna be enough love
I’ll protect you all my life.
yeah it’s okay to just follow me.

You who always wait for me
Go straight on, thankful ‘you’

I will never forget.
I will make you happy
like the ‘we are one’ word I’ve told you.
Although it might be hard and tiring,
I will go up on the stage again
once again, I will encourage myself to do it.
For you who have been waiting for me,
I will hug you and hold your hands.
If I am able to express my heart,
I will devote myself to you.

Those joyous days
My birthday’s stage, I spent with you.

The single word from you cheered me up
I promise~
Promise me~

When your heart feels terribly hurt, I will definitely embrace you.
Although time passes, there is a word I cannot express,
sinking down in my heart.
‘I’m sorry’ ‘I love you’
asking you to believe in me like this time
I will hug you and hold your hands.
If we can stay together endlessly,
I will devote myself to you. 

Composer : Lay (Zhang Yixing)
Lyrics : Chen (Kim Jongdae)
Rap Lyrics : Park ChanYeol

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.