Thursday, 23 October 2014

Mini Karnival Wakaf dan Muzakarah : Load with pictures


Semester lepas adalah semester yang sangat meriah dengan program. Di bawah kelolaan Sir Hisyam Sabri selaku pensyarah, telah terlaksana satu Mini Karnival yang dijayakan oleh kami dibawah subjek Pengurusan Haji, Baitulmal dan Wakaf iaitu Mini Karnival Wakaf dan Muzakarah. Program ini adalah program sulung atau yang pertama kalinya diadakan melalui subjek ini. Kelass kaklong abanglong.

Who was the main organizer? all student under subject Pengurusan haji dan Umrah. my task is to be a secretary for this event. Yelah, secretary lagi. Mana mana program pun, secretary ajelah. Lama jugak lah kami plan, sebab things keep change regularly. Nak marah pun ada. Eh gurau saje. Mana boleh marah. ;p TMD3 ditugaskan untuk organize event di hari kejadian dari mula sehingga tamat manakala TMD1 and TMD2 ditugaskan untuk mencari dana bagi sumbangan wakaf kepada university.

The event was smooth till the end. Cuma adalah satu dua hal yang tak dapat dielak. Namun kami di barisan AJK sangat berpuas hati dan terima kasih daun keladi kepada semua yang terlibat. Penat nak cerita banyak banyak. Carry mark pun dah dapat. Result pun dah keluar. Tengok gambar jelah. Hihi  

Malam sebelum event. semua Ajk turun padang.

Bodyguard bodyguard sado of the day

The ugly side of me- Double chin mu Double chin ku jua

TMD3's Ajk

Diharapkan agar event seperti ini akan disambung oleh adik adik yang lain juga, sebab banyak manfaatnya selain daripada memartabatkan industry wakaf di Malaysia. Gain experience from pain ye adik adik. Insya Allah dengan redha Allah, DIA akan permudahkan. Salam sayang dari saya. Wassalam.

Semester 6 mini carnival wakaf

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

This is the ideal life : Girls Outing


Hai kengkawan. Hihi. Seperti yang dijanjikan, minggu ini adalah minggu throwback peristiwa peristiwa yang telah lama berlalu-berlaku-terjadi. Mengambil peluang dan kesempatan cuti pertengahan semester, blog ini akan mengembalikan kenangan silam dalam diari hidup seorang wanita bernama aku-latifah ilyana-yana-mokna. Terima kasih pada yang masih setia membuka blog usang ini. Hmm tadi dah siap tidurkan ammar latif, jadi mokna dah boleh meroket dengan keyboard selajunya. Lol

Entry kali ini berkenaan aku dan 2 sahabat baikku. Semester lepas, masa tu I was so borred. Lepas tu decide, hmm keluarlah esok. Masa tu plan sorang sorang je. Kay. I was like this all the time. Forever alone. Then, siena was coming to me like weh, jom a keluar besok. Boring sangat ni. Lepastu siap siap mesej lieya jomm a sekali.. so plan was decided. Camtu je hmm perempuan perempuan. Ha ha 

Tempat dituju rahsia. Accehh.  Tapi hari tu memang best. It was so happening. Yelah, dengan kawan kawan baik kan. Tapi itulah, sekarang ni duk menghitung hari je. Berapa lama lagi yang tinggal nak belek belek wajah diorang. *nangis belakang pintu

“Friendship is the best thing that comes to life. Friends will always be there for you. Don't worry about the fakes, worry about the people who had your back from the start and never treated you wrong. Always remember they are your real friends don't never take them as granted because one day you’re going to lose a good friend”


Semester 6 liya-yana-sina

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

A visit to Bursa Malaysia : 4TH BCAR GENERATION


Sejak dah lama tinggalkan blog ni sendirian dan usang. Semalam belek belek entry lama. Seribu macam perasaan ada. Apa taknya, kenangan yang dah lama sangat berlalu, zaman zaman muda remaja dan bila kita abadikan ia dalam bentuk sebuah penulisan, ia akan tetap segar. Tak tipu. Diri sendiri pun tergamam ehh rupanya aku buat benda ni masa ni. Oh oh. And then I decide to write out some things that happen in the past. Because when I’m down, I’ll look at that again and gained my strengths sebabnya nanti kita akan ingat masa ni kita happy happy je. Kenapa pilih untuk berduka ye dok.

“I choose to write because it's perfect for me. It's an escape, a place I can go to hide. It's a friend, when I feel out casted from everyone else. It's a journal, when the only story I can tell is my own. It's a book, when I need to be somewhere else. It's control, when I feel so out of control. It's healing, when everything seems pretty messed up. And it's fun, when life is just flat-out boring.” So yelah, sekarang midsem break, I got a plenty of times to update my blog.

Jadi, nak mulakan episode throwback ni dengan gambar gambar masa lawatan ke BURSA MALAYSIA semester lepas. Kami pergi ke sana di bawah Subjek Public Relation. Semestinyalah, nak memulakan sesuatu program. Persediaan adalah yang paling utama. Jadi 3 kelas BCAR Third year yang terlibat dipecahkan untuk melakukan tugas tugas tertentu. Kelas TMD3 ditugaskan untuk menyiapkan kertas kerja dan membuat notis pemberitahuan kepada Pihak Bursa Malaysia atas kehadiran kami.  So here we go !

Life will give you whatever experience. That is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.  If we can just let go and trust, that things will work out the way they're supposed to, without trying to control the outcome, then we can begin to enjoy the moment more fully. The joy of the freedom it brings becomes more pleasurable than the experience itself.”  -  Quotes

Alhamdulillah it was so enjoy full with all the course mates. Wassalam.

semester 6 bcar usim

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

What I have learned this week : SWOT analysis

Assalamualaikum and have a good day ;) 

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is about letting go. Yes, life never makes it easy for us to go through. 

Alhamdulillah. I’m here. Regards all the things that happen, I am bless with the love from everyone. So, this is my third post regarding the lesson that I have learned in Strategic management and operation subject. For the last 2 weeks, we are learning about SWOT analysis. 

What is SWOT analysis?

It is a tool that identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. Specifically, SWOT is a basic, straightforward model that assesses what an organization can and cannot do. The method of SWOT analysis is to take the information from an environmental analysis and separate it into internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external issues (opportunities and threats). Once this is completed, SWOT analysis determines what may assist the firm in accomplishing its objectives, and what obstacles must be overcome or minimized to achieve desired results.

On that day, we are being separated into 4 groups and Miss Ummi was asking us to do an analysis about our upcoming final year project, an ICEPS10.

The Faculty of Economics and Muamalat , USIM will continue the tradition of organizing the Islamic Entrepreneurship Convention (iCEPS) for the tenth time. This program is a continuation of the policy of academic FEM in organizing the Islamic Entrepreneurship Convention (iCEPS ) for a final year students. Therefore, the continuation of the Tenth Islamic Entrepreneurship Convention 2014 (iCEPS10 2014) to be held on 13 November to 16 November 2014 at the Great Hall of the Convocation of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) will continue. The theme of the convention was "Entrepreneurship-based Internationalisation and reviving Islamic Sunnah of the Prophet".

In some ways a SWOT analysis pushes us to think "inside the box". It does help us in analyses how ICEPS10 is going. Knowing what the positives and negatives of our program are puts us in a better position for action. While a SWOT analysis is not in itself action, it can be great tools to help us. First and foremost, identify the issues or problems you intend to change and then set or reaffirm goals as well as create an action plan. We can use SWOT to justify a course that has already been decided upon, but if our goal is to grow or improve, we will want to use it differently. 

The purpose of SWOT analysis is to analyse and evaluate information and identify strategic at a given time. SWOT Analysis is a very effective way of identifying strengths and weaknesses, and of examining the opportunities and threats one tends to face. Carrying out an analysis using the SWOT framework helps to focus activities into areas where one is strong and where the greatest opportunities lie. This knowledge is then used to develop a plan of action. 

An individual person also can develop their level of understanding themselves by doing a SWOT analysis. So have fun and do yours now !

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.