Saturday, 11 May 2013

Officially 21st


So many people say you’re weak. You need to be strong. Nobody says you’ve been to strong, you just need to hold on.



Yay, I know I can’t waste my time on this anymore, there is a plenty of assignment and task that need to be done but it doesn’t hinder me from wasting my time online and goofing here and there. Ehehe

So what’s happen girl, I planned to write this a long time ago, but I haven’t got ample time to do it so now I’m gonna share with you all, the beautiful life that I have been through during 21 years in this world. Yes dude. I’m officially 21. I’m a big big girl in this big world. Hurrrayy!  I wish I can really shout it out what I’m going through so that you guys could know but humph it’s not easy as you think.

You might see me as a strong girl but yeah to be a strong girl in others people eyes not might easy as who do you think you are. You may lie to your friends your parents your teachers but you are prohibited to do that to yourself. Why, because it’s sounds too stupid if you know that the thing is the reality yet you still believe that’s just imagination. How you may lie to yourself, sometimes it’s about your feeling. The feeling that you’re the happiest person in this world but actually you’re not.  Uhuks.

Sometimes the truth is quite hurtful. When you hope something and at the end of it'll make you become hurt more and more, you will turn into despair. you know, life is just like that. It's not about what we want. Totally. How many times we pray and pray, if Allah doesn't approve it, it will turn into big amount of nothing, for He know what's the best for us. Even though this is quite awful, just make yourself crying. It's  didn't show that we are weak, but it means that for all this while we are strong enough to face it. *CLAP CLAP* We never know how strong we are unless strong is the only choice that we have. Whatever life gives you, even it is hurt you, just be strong and act you are okay with that. Things will get better, it might stormy now but it can't rain forever.

30 April had just passed a couple days ago. I got so many love and wish here and there. Yes, 21 years ago, 1.09 a.m., I am born as a small girl and grow up as a beautiful daughter in such a happy families and it’s beyond my imagination whom I could be 21 years later. Thanks God. Subhanallah.  Allah has brought me a lot of happiness or could I say as nikmat yang tak berbelah bahagi during that journey. Alhamdulillah.

HE gives me pain. And I felt dejected. Yet I still came back to HIM and I realize Allah purpose is to make me stronger than before.  Thank you people here and there who spend their time to send me a wish, even it’s just ‘HB’ or a long text and makes me tired to finish reading, I’m just grateful enough that you’re remembered me and sooo many thanks to people who pray for my safety, my well-being and everything beyond than that.


Thank you so much for everything. I know that I’m not a good person yet you still love me and for that, I pray may Allah grand you with Jannah. Give you lots of love. Stay calm. Laugh smile a lot and love each other’s until Jannah. 

Thank you Allah for make it real. The most powerful creator. Allah Allah Allah..  segala puji dan syukur hanya ku panjatkan padaMU ya Allah.. tempatkan aku di syurga Mu pada hari itu nanti. Restui perjalanan kehidupanku. Limpahkan aku dengan rahmat dan kasih sayang MU. Jangan Kau tinggalkan aku sedang Kau tahu aku akan lemah tanpa Mu di sisi. Hadiahkan aku dengan sahabat-sahabat solehah peneman diriku tatkala melangkah ke sana. Bantu aku untuk istiqamah mencintai dan merindui MU. Terimalah segala amal ibadatku. Ampuni segala dosa kedua orang tua yang kucintai. Permudahkan segala urusan kami. Berikan taufiq dan Hidayah MU buat seluruh ahli keluargaku. Hadirkan aku dengan pendamping yang baik dan soleh. Aku hanya sujud pada MU ya Rahman. Allah is the Greatest!!

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Don't love others until you love your parent

Episod luahan hati jarang sekali

Manusia. Kenapa diagungkan cinta itu. Cinta yang membutakan. Cinta yang menjauhkan.Kenapa dipegang pada azimat kata palsu itu. Kenapa dipercaya pada cinta yang belum pasti milikmu. Kenapa di puja pada cinta yang belum pasti halal buatmu.

Allah. Berishtigfar. Aku lupa. Hati itu Allah yang pegang. Cinta adalah kuasa besar yang mampu merubah dan  mengambil alih hati manusia.  cinta yang baru terlihat di mata mereka sehingga mereka melupakan cinta yang sudah lama  tersemai  dalam diri mereka. Cinta itu telah menjadi milik mereka awal dulu. Saat si penghantar cinta itu dikhabarkan ada nyawa kecil yang diusung ke hulu ke hilir. Saat si penghantar cinta memeluknya erat mendodoi dan melindungi pemilik sekeping hati daripada keriuhan dunia ini.

Betapa istimewanya dua buah cinta itu yang kini  ada manusia melupakan mereka hanya  kerana ada cinta baru yang mengambil alih posisi itu. Betapa sayunya mata si tua itu melihat satu persatu kecintaannya beralih arah mencari cinta yang lain. Remuk redam hati si tua itu melihat kecintaannya  yang lama pergi dan tidak kembali. Siapa tahu hati si tua itu. Mereka mahu kecintaan mereka. Kembalikan cinta aku ! mungkin itu bisik si tua. *kesat air mata*

Beginilah hati ini. Bila tiba tarikh ini pasti begini. Hilang dalam dunia sendiri. Memikir dan mengira siapa kecintaanku. Di mana mereka berada. Apa wujud aku di hati mereka sebagaimana mereka wujud di hati aku. Mereka yang jadi kecintaanku, adakah sibuk juga mengejar dan mengharung cinta sia-sia dan mengabaikan cinta yang setia di sisi mereka. Cinta yang pasti halal buat mereka.  Adakah kecintaanku juga begitu. Senak fikiran ini memikirkan.

Allah. Rindunya aku pada mereka yang pernah hadir dalam hidup ini. Terima kasih Allah. Engkau memberi diri ini peluang, masih lagi bernafas dengan anugerah kurniaMU yang Maha Agung.

“Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny” Ar-Rahman

Terima kasih Ya Allah. Engkau menghadirkan aku dengan rasa cinta tak terluah ini buat mereka yang pernah hadir dalam lipatan sejarah hidupku. Mereka yang jauh dan hilang dalam hidupku. Mereka yang gagal ku ingat wajah-wajah mereka. Mereka yang menolak aku jauh dari hidup mereka. Mereka yang cuba ku pimpin tangan mereka namun tak terdaya melangkah bersama. Ampunkan aku atas kekhilafan ini. Engkau sebaik-baik penolong dan pelindungku.

“Unto Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and He takes it. Except for Him you have neither protector nor helper” At-Taubah 116

sesak dada bila diasak dengan rasa ini. Rama-rama mati. Hidup. Terbang bebas. Dan mati kembali. Allah. DIA benar-benar menguji janji yang aku lafazkan. Laratkah daya usahaku bertahan untuk menampung hebatnya anugerah indah kurniaan NYA. Terima kasih Allah. Ternyata aku masih manusia normal yang punya rasa. *Senyum* 

belum tiba masanya. lawan atau kecundang. Itu perjuanganku. Syaitan tidak pernah lupa menitik jarum jarum kecil menghasut manusia yang lupa dan leka.   Jangan tinggalkan aku. Selama lamanya jangan tinggalkan aku duhai Rabbi.. *usap dada*

psssst : sayangi ibu bapamu. Mereka merindukanmu. Kembali kepada fitrah. Genggam dan jangan lepaskan tangan tua mereka. Sehingga bertemu lagi. Wassalam..

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Women need more sleep than men


How was your day? I hope it will be a great day. Today, I really find an interesting article. Yeah sometime my brothers always annoy me when he makes me look so ‘selebeh’ when I overslept. So woman, after this you can use it as your point when debating with men. Lulz !  dear readers, I hope you will enjoy this article and stop complaining about us (woman). Kekee :p
It's true ladies, the reason why you're grumpy is probably due to the fact that you're not sleeping enough as studies have shown that women tend to suffer more than men, both mentally and physically, if they're forced to sleep less.

Scientists at Duke University in North Carolina found that women had more depression, anger, and hostility early in the morning as compared to men.

Other factors that affect women who are sleep-deprived include a higher risk of heart disease, psychological problems, and extra clotting factors in their blood, which can lead to a stroke.

Also present are higher inflammation markers – often linked to pain, and indicate developing health problems. This means we can also literally be in more pain when we wake up. By contrast, the state of a man's health does not appear to be closely linked to how much they sleep.

Why do we need more sleep?

When we sleep, the brain is able to recover and repair itself and therefore it's vital for us to have enough shut-eye to function normally, and us women need at least 20-minutes more sleep than men because of our awesome multi-tasking brain!

Think about it, women are way better at multi-tasking (yeah, how many times have we heard men use that as an excuse not to get stuff done!) and are usually very flexible with how we manage ourselves – studies have even shown that most of us use more of the actual brain than men do!

Thus, the need for sleep is greater for us ladies and quite simply, the more you use your brain in a day, the more it needs to recover is the more sleep you need.

What about a man in a more complex and demanding job that requires a lot of decision making and lateral thinking, you may ask? Well, he may also need more sleep than the average male – but probably still not as much as a woman. Take that amigo!

How to overcome lack of sleep

Sleep more, Captain Obvious! Well, yes and no – what you need to do is take strategic naps; which means either 25 minutes OR 90 minutes long. Nothing more, nothing less as any other length will make the Sleeping Beauty waking up feeling worse!

Source:,   The Telegraph

So what's the lesson here? Men, the next time your woman is being a grumpy puss, just let her have a nap. She’s too tired so just let her sleep in a bit more. So let’s sleep as much as we can ladies, lulz !  k joking. 25-90 min only. Wassalam..

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Biar gambar berbicara..

The most touching picture ever in my life

An old man probably has been abandoned and has nothing to protect him except one big bulldozer to prevent him from any disaster and all of sudden I cried, inside. In this world, everyone is lucky when they look at the people who are poorer than them. Outside, there are too many people like this ‘pak cik’ who are struggling to get a life. 

I wonder whether this ‘pak cik’ has eaten or not. Whether he gets enough sleep or probably sleeps without proper condition. I wish I am sitting there taking care of this ‘pak cik’ because I keep remembering of my beloved father when I look at this picture. Dear friends, love people around you. I have this thought and chances where you’re feeling the same way. Please keep trying to contribute as much as we can to help them. Please keep doa to see a better nation. 

“Then praise be to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth-Lord and cherisher of all the world. To him be glory throughout the heavens and the earth and He is Exalted in power, full and wisdom”  AL- Jathiyah 36-37

p/s : I miss my ayah !

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.