Friday 16 January 2015

Warkah untuk Hasina : Salam Ulangtahun ke 23


Alhamdulillah, kita masih lagi dihidupkan oleh Allah Taala sehingga ke hari ini, mudah-mudahan Allah memberkati kita di setiap hari yang kita lalui ini dan menyampaikan umur kita dengan segala kebaikan yang kita lakukan dan moga beroleh ganjaran syurga di sana kelak.

Pada entry kali ini, aku ingin berkongsi dengan seluruh yang sudi menatap tentang seorang insan istimewa yang sekian lama bertakhta di hati ini. Menyambut ulangtahun kelahiran seseorang bukanlah sesuatu yang dianggap perkara terutama dan terbesar namun sebagai seorang manusia bukankah lebih baik sekiranya kita menggembirakan hati sahabat kita hatta walau sepatah kata tanda ingatan dan kita sebagai orang Islam tentulah diajar dengan perkara-perkara yang paling baik agar tidak menyimpang dari landasan syariat yang Allah aturkan dalam upacara sambutan sebegini.

5 January. Tarikh yang sejak 4 tahun lalu menjadi tarikh berharga bagi aku. Bermacam macam warna pelangi. Begitu indah dipandang. Bermacam macam ragam dan karenah teman. Engkau yang menjadi pujaan. Untuk teman baik ku, kami merasai tiap kesedihan dan air mata yang engkau lalui. Terjalnya jalan hidup yang kau lalui, tak pernah menyurutkan semangat. Malah engkau yang paling kental harapan dan pergantungan nya antara kita semua. Hingga tepat di detik ini terukir indah kenangan di 5 January, tawa dan tangis yang engkau tempuhi silih berganti menyertai setiap langkah hidupmu.

Demi menggembirakan insan kesayangan kami ini, hari kejadian. 5 January, Paper Fiqh Muamalat 2 pada Jam 2.3O petang. Masih berlagak biasa tanpa sebarang riak. Dia juga cuba berlagak biasa walhal.. ha ha maafkan kami Siena. Terima kasih untuk concern kami tertinggal bas. Terima kasih sebab terharu dengan kejutan. Ha ha 

Watak watak pelakon cerita layar pendek namun penuh makna jeng jeng jeng .. 

Sementara si watak utama melakonkan wataknya, maka bercempiaranlah enam yang lain merubah tara halaman buat si teman yang lebih dulu menuju 23 usianya. Ribut. Kalut. Ha ha memori indah sampai tua Insya Allah.  

Buat teman baikku,

Biarlah kami yang mengiringi kebahagiaanmu di hari yang telah kami rancang petanya.

Biarlah kami yang menyertai setiap langkahmu biar riakmu tak bisa kami teka.

Biarlah kami, yang merasa terhutang dengan kasih sayang dan perhatian yang telah engkau limpahkan selama ini tanpa mengenal perit di hati sendiri. Bertambah usiamu satu tahun, bergembiralah. Hanya ini yang termampu kami hadiahkan. Moga ada masa jodoh yang Allah tetapkan kita bertemu lagi di keraian 5 January yang lain.

Sanah helwah bucuk. I love you to the moon and back. 

Waktu berjalan tiada henti, mengiringi rembulan dan mentari, yang terbit nan tenggelam setiap hari mengiringi usiamu yang terus bertambah dari hari ke hari, hingga saat ini Selamat ulang tahun ke 23 sahabat kesayanganku. Semoga hari hari depanmu lebih bahagia dan penuh harapan, Meski ada sedikit rintangan anggaplah itu hanya suatu cubaan untuk menguatkan imanmu.

Jujur kami katakan, di saat lagu ulang tahun mu kami kumandangkan, sebak bertalu mengiringi doa dan harapan agar kau akan sentiasa tabah kerana Allah hanya menduga hamba kesayangannya sesuai dengan kemampuannya.

Sina, maafkan aku. Selepas pemergian abah mu. Tak terluah kata kata saat aku berhadapan denganmu. Banyak lafaz bicara yang telah aku rencanakan saat kita bertemu. Namun tiada satu pun yang keluar dari bibir ini. Bukan tidak mahu menunjukkan simpati, apatah lagi segan mau berkongsi empati. Namun kuat tutur bicara kau Sina membuat aku kelu.  Kagum namun hatiku menangis hiba. Maafkan aku, sekiranya pelukan yang aku simpan hingga saat akhir kita bersua tidak sehangat perasaan sebak dan hiba yang melanda seluruh jiwa raga aku tika aku mau berkongsi rasa itu. Maafkan aku sekiranya aku terlambat menghulur salam supaya kau terus kuat dan kuat.  

SAHABAT yang baik adalah anugerah yang tidak ternilai daripada Allah. SAHABAT yang baik penunjuk jalan, penguat langkah, pendamping yang akan selalu mengingatkan untuk bersungguh-sungguh berusaha membuat bekal negeri abadi.  Seorang Nabi Allah, Nabi Musa AS pun memerlukan teman lantas baginda berdoa kepada Allah agar mengurniakan teman penguat langkah, teman ke syurga.

"Dan jadikanlah untukku seorang pembantu dari keluargaku, iaitu (Harun), saudaraku, teguhkanlah kekuatanku dengan (adanya) dia, dan jadikanlah dia teman dalam urusanku, agar kami banyak bertasbih kepadaMu, dan banyak mengingatiMu, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Melihat Keadaan kami" (20:29-35)

Kisah Nabi Musa memohon teman dari Allah untuk membantu menguatkannya membuktikan betapa kita sebagai manusia sangat memerlukan teman untuk menemani dalam urusan hidup seharian dan juga untuk sama-sama beribadat kepada Allah.

Terima kasih kerana jadi ‘Teman’ itu, bagi aku,  yang aku harapkan.

Sina kuat kay. Ramai orang sayang Sina. Ingat janji kita sebelum getting married ha ha *macam esok lusa je kan Sina, hmm kita backpacking around the world dulu. Mana kau nak pergi, aku ikut. Asal ada kau, aku tunggu.  Insya Allah. Dengan izinnya.  

5 January 2O15

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Malam Kita Yang Lalu : TMD3


Alhamdulillah. I’m back.


Dalam kehidupan seharian yang kita lalui, satu hal yang pasti mejadikan setiap perjalanan lebih indah adalah apabila ada orang orang yang menemani kita mengharungi setiap lopak lopak langkah kehidupan. Di antara orang orang tersebut, yang paling biasa dipilih adalah sahabat. Ketika kita memerlukan, mereka pasti ada. Tolak ikhlas ke tepi, baik susah mahupun senang tetap dijalani bersama.

Maka nikmat TuhanMu yang manakah kamu dustakan – Ar – Rahman

4 tahun yang telah lepas. Ibarat angin yang menyapa lembut pipi di petang hari. Entah bila ia muncul, entah bila ia berlalu pergi. Namun keenakan belaiannya membuai rasa sehingga terbit rasa damai dan tenang bersamanya. Tawa dan canda terdengar lepas di semua bahagiaku. Tiada kebohongan. Sekalipun ada, ku mengerti makna kebersamaan kita yang sebenarnya.

Allah bagi kesempatan. Di setiap bisikan rindu yang bakal melanda, DIA izinkan untuk pertemuan ini sekali lagi berlaku. Antara kita. Tanpa rasa duka. Yang terdengar dan terlihat hanyalah rasa rasa bahagia. Di setiap wajah wajah polos yang sebenarnya sudah lama mengerti, mungkin ini saat akhirnya kita bersama.

Lokasi : Steamboat Malaya, Sepang

Tujuan : Mencipta Secangkir Memori *emm secangkir je kan. Ke banyak ? ha ha 

17 Disember 2O14

Sebenarnya, dah banyak kali rancangan nak berjalan gagal. Sebab tu bersyukur sangat bila sempat gathering untuk kali terakhir ( Insya Allah ada lagi nanti masa kawin sape sape :p ). Terima kasih semua yang melapangkan masa. Pack aktiviti malam tersebut. J Insya Allah kita percaya pada takdir pertemuan dan perpisahan yang telah Allah aturkan., agar hati kita lebih bahagia dan lapang. kan? 

When I am lost in the rain, In your eyes I know I will find the light to shine my way, and when I am scared, losing ground when my world is going crazy you can turn it all around and when I am down you are there pushing me to the top.  4 years together, you are always there, giving me all you have got. I hope we all got the answers and come to understand that people and things are always going to change and we can't stop them now or later.

Tangis yang mengalir pilu di setiap ingatan terhadap memori itu, kurasakan beban itu seperti bukan apa apa. Selagi bisa kita berbagi kisah suka duka kita ini disetiap memori yang berlayar dalam ingatan, kurasakan kuat untukku terus melangkah memikul bersama memori dan ingatan.

Waktu terus berjalan, seakan ia juga turut mengerti. Di suatu saat itu, tawa yang kita hela saat bercanda di waktu senggang di setiap adanya isi terluang harus kita simpan di dalam kenangan. Kalian adalah pilihan Tuhan untuk mengisi kekosongan ini. Waktu terus berjalan, hadir bersama tawa dan tangisku, namun aku tahu Tuhan memilih kalian untuk terus kehadapan. Bersama aku. 


Jalan ini sangat panjang, takkan mampu untuk aku kuat sendirian. Rona rona resah hidup harus aku perjuangkan. Bersama kalian, aku tetap berdiri. terima kasih. Tidak kuat aku memikul semua beban. Syukur pada Tuhan, ada yang membantu dalam meringankan. Beban itu, biarlah segalanya menjadi milik kita.

Kita usung bersama. Kita harung bersama.

Agar nanti, kenangan itu tetap kekal mewangi selamanya *muntah dengar ayat sendiri haha. 

 Minda cerah. Sila beri caption masing masing. LOL.  We have the best moment when we got minda cerah as our transport. Ha ha  terima kasih 9 penumpang yang memeriahkan suasana. teringat, gelak. Teringat, gelak lagi. Bila nak berenti?

Penutup malam kami yang panjang. It’s a wrap. Post mortem untuk 4 tahun bersama. Don't want to leave, but we all know sometimes it's better to go. Somehow I know we'll meet again, not sure quite where and I don't know just when you're in my heart, so until then, smile, don't want to cry saying goodbye.

The world is changing

Right before our eyes

Now I have found you

There're no more emptiness inside...
17 Disember 2O14

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Saturday 20 December 2014

What have I learned this week : case study of ROBIN HOOD

What have I learned this week was the case study of ROBIN HOOD. Before I go into conclusion, here is a brief explanation on what is ROBIN HOOD story is all about. Robin Hood is a good man, however he is doing a cruel job in helping the poor. Sheriff is his enemy. The revolt against the Sheriff had begun as a personal crusade, erupting out of Robin’s conflict with the Sheriff and his administration. He therefore sought allies, men with grievances and a deep sense of justice. Later he welcomed all who came, asking few questions, and only demanding a willingness to serve.

He spent the first year forging the group into a disciplined band, united in enmity against the Sheriff, and willing to live outside the law. The band’s organization was simple. Robin ruled supreme, making all important decisions. He delegated specific tasks to his lieutenants. Will Scarlett was in charge of intelligence and scouting. His main job was to shadow the Sheriff and his men, always alert to their next move. He also collected information on the travel plans of rich merchants and tax collectors. Little John kept discipline among the men, and saw to it that their archery was at the high peak that their profession demanded.

The increasing size of the band was a source of satisfaction for Robin, but also a source of concern. The fame of his Merry men was spreading, and new recruits poured in from every corner of England. The growing band was also beginning to exceed the food capacity of the forest. Game was becoming scarce, and supplies had to be obtained from outlying villages. The cost of buying food was beginning to drain the band’s financial reserves at the very moment when revenues were in decline. Travelers, especially those with the most to lose, were now giving the forest a wide berth. This was costly and inconvenient to them, but it was preferable to having all their goods confiscated.

In this case study, the key issue that has been pointed out was the economic imbalance between rich and poor as well as the political problem that has been faced by Robin Hood. Prince John was vicious and volatile. He was consumed by his unpopularity among the people, who wanted the imprisoned King Richard back. He also lived in constant fear of the barons, who had first given him the regency, but were now beginning to dispute his claim to the throne. Several of these barons had set out to collect the ransom that would release King Richard the Lionheart from his jail in Austria. Robin was invited to join the conspiracy in return for future amnesty. It was a dangerous proposition. Provincial banditry was one thing, court intrigue another. Prince John’s spies were everywhere. If the plan failed, the pursuit would be relentless and retribution swift. The sound of the supper horn startled Robin.

The other issue was the management problem due to the lack of discipline. As the band grew larger, their small bivouac became a major encampment. Between raids the men milled about, talking, and playing games. Vigilance was in decline, and discipline was becoming harder to enforce.

Lastly it is about the Robin Hood himself is lacking of power in management. Robin had often entertained the possibility of killing the Sheriff, but the chances for this seemed increasingly remote. Besides, while killing the Sheriff might satisfy his personal thirst for revenge, it would not improve the situation. Robin had hoped that the perpetual state of unrest, and the Sheriff’s failure to collect taxes, would lead to his removal from office. Instead, the Sheriff used his political connections to obtain reinforcement. He had powerful friends at court, and was well regarded by the regent, Prince John.

What I have learned in this case study is we should know how to handle our subordinate and plan carefully with a good mission. Then should know how to manage the task that needs to be done. But I personally think that our good intention is invaluable if the ways we perform is in the bad ways like Robin Hood.

That’s all. Thank you. 

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

What have I learned this week : GLORIA JEANS COFFEE


What have I learned this week?

Today, I would like to share about our case study discussion in tutorial class for the past few weeks.
The cases study that has been discussed is GLORIA JEANS COFFEE. 

It was in the year 1979, Ed and Gloria Jean Kvetko first started Gloria Jean’s Coffee (GJC) in Chicago, the USA. A total of 25 years and 316 outlets worldwide later, Diedrich Coffee, the owner of GJC decided to sell the GJC franchise. Many offers were made, but the deal went to Saleh, GJC’s Master Franchisee in Australia. For a cool $16 million, Saleh managed to own the rights to all GJC worldwide minus 146 outlets in the USA and Puerto Rico. Where Dierich Coffee owns the rights to operate free of franchise royalty. In 2010, Dierich sold all of its rights and remaining 102 franchised outlets across 24 states in the USA to Saleh for additional $3.1 million, making Saleh as the owner of GJC franchise worldwide. GJC was ranks third globally among premium coffee brands.

Hence, madam was asked us to evaluate the food beverage industry in Malaysia and analyses their Porters 5 forces model.

Threat of new entrants
The level of threat of new entrant is high. It is very difficult to new entrant to enter into the industry; this is because there are a barrier for entering the industry which is money currency and also the government policy.

From the Gloria jean’s supplier perspective, it was in the high level. This is because the coffee suppliers have been globally supplied. The example of supplier are from Brazil and  Mexico. And the coffee shop not only has a supply from a coffee but then they also will need a supply from other items such as creamer, sugar, cup, and many more.

The level demand is high. This is because the demanded of coffee is wide and globally today. All stage of age has done liked to drink a coffee. Even it is cold or hot, it also can be ice cream and ice blended of coffee flavor. The focus of target usually student, graduates, masters student, corporate man, business man. Kippies are one with the target market of the buyer.

The level substitutes are high or moderate. There are not many substitutes that we can find for Gloria jean’s coffee and the substitute that we can find for the Gloria jean’s coffee are juices, ice cream, and soft drink.

The level of competitor for Gloria jean’s coffee is high. This is because the industry comes out with many brand of coffee, so the buyer does have many of choice. The competitors for Gloria Jeans Coffee are Starbuck, Old Town Coffee, San Francisso Coffee and also Kopitiams.  

In Malaysia, GJC has a low rate of number of outlets compared to other competitor.  So they may have a chance to open up other outlets. Franchising permits the company to grow with capital invested by individual franchise owner. In today marketplace, the window of opportunity for a new business closes concept very quickly. Franchising permits multiple units to be opened simultaneously, GJC need to open more outlets to gaining a foothold over their competitors. As additional locations are opened, name recognition increases. GJC need to increase their customer awareness towards their product. Customer usually feel more secured frequenting a business they recognize by name.

But it is good for GJC when they have their outlets in TESCO. TESCO has been offering excellent premises to GJC in all upcoming stores. This occasion will help GJC a lot in terms of they will gain an attention from the customers who did not buying their product. TESCO are one of the biggest Mall in Malaysia and have a lot of customer. From that, GJC can provide their product to that group of customer.   

But there are some few advantages and disadvantages of franchising. To help us determine if any franchising opportunity is right, we need to know the pros and cons of franchising.

As for the advantages, franchise business may have customer base and established brand which means the biggest advantages of buying an established franchise is the strength of the brand and loyalty of customer. Setting up a franchise also will have marketing support. Franchise will have support form national campaign and the material as well as prepared for a local campaign. The also will have a business support and the got network for that. Some of the expensive or better franchise is offering training in franchise operations which include a management and technical training. 

At the same time, franchising also has great disadvantages such as royalty payments. For as long as we are a franchisee, we will have to pay some percentages of the monthly gross back to the franchisor. It will reduce our profit total sum up.  The reputation of your franchise is only good as that of the franchisor, so any difficulties that the franchisor encounters will have a direct impact on you. Opening a franchise rather than starting our own business offers no guarantee of success. We still need to be a sharp business person to make it work.

That’s all. Wassalam.

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.