Wednesday 8 April 2015

Love is ..

What is love?

Love is when you can’t sleep without having praying Isyak. Love is when you can’t eat without saying Bismillah first, and love is when you say Alhamdulillah remembering all that Allah has blessed you with. 

The true love we all long for and strive to find our entire lives can only be found with Allah, learn to love and obey Him first and then you’ll find someone worth loving for His sake.

Because, wallahi if you don’t love Him, there will always be something missing in your life, there will always be that empty sadness in your life. So dedicate yourself for Allah and you will find the true meaning of love.

“And He is the forgiving, the Affectionate.” (Quran 85:14)

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Waiting For Rainbow | Life Update

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Know I haven’t post my life update in a long time.  This past week was really a depressing week for me.  This coming week gonna be a little hectic as usual as I had to prepare for someone’s big days in a few months. But hopefully everything will turn out great. As for me, things have gotten much better. Is it? Hmmm

I know that I haven’t been posting on here regarding my life very much lately. There have been a times that I have thought about deleting altogether and the fact that I am 23 old enough to spend my time here (meeting bunch of new person and they probably watching out my old stories here)  but I have had this blog close to 4 years. 

I have had this blog during my hard times even though I started writing like a young kid. This blog was my close friend. I have tried keeping journals and diaries but I never keep up with them as I only keep the diaries during the early year. Being here make me happy, meet beautiful kindhearted strangers, those strangers who are reading about things that I go through more in depth. Those who are secretly watching out few things for me, those who are praying in their silent doa for me. 

It’s just hitting me now when looking at my sisters, niece as well as my nephews that I’m a proper adult at this point and it’s weird because I feel like I was going to school yesterday with my father and waking up today I already a grown up woman.

So, how’s life? I have had a particularly rough January-february-march as I am in my Internship period until this june. I just hoping that everything will turn out to be great at the end of the training. I promised to have a bedtimes stories regarding my “already-2 month” here (INTEC Office) but kinda busy and have a lot of pressured this past weeks. Despite of being busy, I have noticed that I have become extra unproductive and it does make me sad thinking back how I am before. I am hoping that I will gain new spirit and this unproductive phase was just only one of those ‘’ehh I wanna take a break let me have a rest hmm” 

I miss my study period. How it was so different from working life. I don’t know what to call my life recently. Ha ha does it look like office hour doesn’t suit me duh. I don’t remember how yesterday reflect my life today. I just want to remember that I’m feeling better today. I remember those past years during my study period, every 2 weeks or often every week I will go back to my sister house at Petaling Jaya from Nilai and I will have a great time with the boys. In fact every time I felt so depressed, I’ll go there. 

After I leave Kl and stay here..

My sister was like,

“Kau tahu pantang tengok orang sebaya mokna, haa.. tu mokna tu mokna”

“Semua orang diorang ingat mokna”

And I was like huaa rindu mmm. Why they treat their mokna so special. I feel like I’m flying there every time I’m having my hard time. Not being able to kiss and hug them is driving me insane. 

I will stop here as I need to go somewhere for today. Looking forward to my ridiculous babbling next time ha ha (as me also got surprised with my babbling skills)

It’s funny how you’ve said you care a lot about me and that you’d always be there for me and yet in these past few years I’ve needed you more than ever but you’re nowhere to be found. At least tell me this, if this is goodbye tell me now and don’t have me waiting any longer. My destiny isn’t tied to the people who walked away from my life.

I sincerely apologized for the random and long update so if you have made this far, thank you. I love each and every one of you who sincerely reading my blog. I am looking forward to welcome April as April is my favorite month ever. See you in April peeps ;)

till then, wassalam. 

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Pandangan Mata Menjaga Si Hawa

Mulianya kedudukan wanita dalam Islam sehinggakan wanita dijaga dalam segenap hal. Bahkan terdapat hadis yang mengatakan bahawa seindah indah perhiasan di dunia ini adalah sebaik baik wanita solehah. Namun wanita jugalah yang seringkali menjadi fitnah kepada kaum adam.

“Tidaklah aku tinggalkan setelahku suatu fitnah yang lebih berbahaya bagi laki laki (melainkan fitnah yang datang dari) wanita.” (HR Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Lantas dari mana datangnya fitnah?


Menundukkan pandangan ialah mengalihkan pandangan daripada melihat perkara yang diharamkan Allah.  Mata hanyalah pinjaman dari Allah. Seharusnya kita guna ikut cara yang diredai Allah.  Itu tanda terima kasih kita sebagai peminjam.  Sampai masanya, kita terpaksa pulangkan semula nikmat tersebut. 

Pintu kepada ‘kawah api’ zina ini bermula dari pandangan.  Dari mata jatuh ke hati.  Sebab itu Rasulullah menegah kita mengulangi pandangan pada tempat yang diharamkan.  Haram bererti ‘penyakit’ atau dosa.  Kalau pun kita merasa ‘lazat’ pada pandangan tersebut hakikatnya ia adalah simpton bahawa hati kita sedang sakit. Sedih bukan? Keseronokan syahwat bersifat sementara dan mengundang pelbagai bala.  Bala pertama ialah hilang ketenangan jiwa.   Aduh. Hati yang sihat pastinya secara automatik menolak perkara-perkara jelik dan hina.  Tiada rasa syok sebaliknya merasa benci atau mual.

“Katakanlah kepada orang laki-laki beriman : ‘Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya dan memelihara kemaluannya, yang demikian itu adalah lebih suci bagi mereka, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui yang mereka perbuat. Katakanlah kepada wanita yang beriman hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya dan menahan kemaluannya, dan janganlah mereka menampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali yang (biasa) tampak dari padanya’” (QS. An-Nur :30-31)

Dalam ayat ini perihal menjaga pandangan, Allah telah mensyariatkan keduanya lelaki dan perempuan yang mana perintahnya berbeza dari sudut rangka ayat lantas ia menunjukkan kepada kita bahawa pentingnya hal menjaga pandangan ini. Allah memerintahkan untuk menjaga pandangan kepada manusia baik kaum lelaki mahupun wanita.


Ini kerana, menjaga pandangan adalah asas dan dasar untuk menjaga daripada lain lain maksiat.

“Pandangan mata itu laksana anak panah beracun daripada berbagai macam anak panah Iblis.” (HR Ahmad)

Kata sebuah syair :

Segala peristiwa berawal dari pandangan mata,
Jilatan api bermula dari setitik bara,
berapa banyak pandangan yang membelah hati,
laksana anak panah yang melesat dari tali,

Selagi manusia punya mata untuk memandang,
dia tidak lepas dari bahaya yang menghadang,
senang dipermulaan dan ada bahaya di kemudian hari,
tiada ucapan selamat datang dan ada bahaya saat kembali.
Menjaga pandangan sebelum berkahwin.


Baikkan hati. Jika sebelum berkahwin pun kita tak mampu nak menjaga mata dari memandang perkara perkara larangan Allah, jadi bagaimana kita selepas perkahwinan. Mula membanding-bandingkan isteri/suami dengan orang lain, merasa tidak puas dengan apa yang telah Allah kurniakan dan bermacam lagi hal lain yang bakal terjadi.

Subhanallah. Hanya dengan menjaga pandangan , betapa kita akan merasa manisnya iman walaupun hal itu sulit dizaman serba mencabar ini. Benarlah jika kita semakin mendekat dengan Allah, begitu jua akan terasa betapa Allah itu semakin dekat dengan kita. Kita akan merasa manisnya iman dengan mengingati Allah dan cinta pada suruhan Allah.

Barangsiapa bersandar kepada Allah maka Allah akan mencukupinya” (Ath Thalaq: 3)

Mohon pada DIA agar hati ini sentiasa terjaga, dari segenap hal yang bisa menjauhkan aku dari DIA. Sungguh aku takut jika terlalu jatuh cinta pada dunia, dan aku lupa pada DIA yang punya Rahmat yang sangat besar. Aku ingin jadi lebih baik. Baik untuk jadi baik pada pandangan DIA. Aku ingin merasa manisnya iman. Aku ingin merasa segenap nikmat yang bisa buat aku tidak lari dari DIA.

Jaga hati.

Jaga pandangan.

Terima kasih Allah atas nikmat yang bisa kurasa perasaan syukur ini.

Aku doa,

Semoga solehah di mata ibu ayah dan solehah di mata DIA.

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Black Pearl - EXO #Lyrics

She’s my black pearl
She’s my Black pearl

I don’t need a map my heart points me to you
Even if the road ahead is rough I can’t do this where I stand
There wasn’t a moment we were apart or when I forgot about you
If only I can see you at the end of the horizon

I raise the masts and I’m carried by the wind oh
Put the water’s roughening surface to sleep

Flower that bloomed in the dark, the moon above the sea
A place like a secret, my beautiful black pearl
Flower that bloomed in the dark, the moon above the sea
A place like a secret, my beautiful black pearl

Question of existence, apart from reality
Am I wandering in a dream and what’s beyond it

My goddess, oh, who looks as though she lives inside a myth
I fight past the time to find you
I’ve never believed in things that are forever
If I may reach you whom I’ve been wanting so desperately

I raise the masts and I’m carried by the wind oh
Put the water’s roughening surface to sleep

Flower that bloomed in the dark, the moon above the sea
A place like a secret, my beautiful black pearl
Flower that bloomed in the dark, the moon above the sea
A place like a secret, my beautiful black pearl

Even at the dizzying moment as the storm rages
Don’t turn the boat around, don’t stop sailing
If I knew I’d go back cowering at this level of peril I wouldn’t have started in the first place
I face the sea that stole you away to play

Put the water’s roughening surface to sleep x3
She’s my black pearl oh- She is my black pearl
I’m the five oceans that are in the sky with the sun
Towards her shining brilliantly

My beautiful black pearl that reflects dimly above the high tides in the thick mist
(ho- oh- my beautiful black pearl yeah)

My beautiful black pearl that can be faintly heard above the melancholy tune in the deep silence
(ho- hey she’s my beautiful beautiful black pearl

currently I'm keeping an eye on one person, but I'm not a nutty as a fruitcake. saranghae.